Unfortunately, a lot of us develop anxiety and tension around the holiday season. The reasons can be multifold but the result is usually the same. Sitting at the dinner table with family members who, for whatever reason, get under our skin, press our buttons and have us reaching for one too many glasses of wine. The mood is tense, something huge is never said, or it is and then the evening goes from pleasantries to dramas, and everyone goes home exhausted and wondering why that person can't be more something or other, or why that family member just doesn't get it. Get what? Be more like what? What is it we are really trying to achieve? Ultimately, we may hope to change the other person, or have an ideal become reality and play out how we imagined it. Most of the things we try in order to improve the situation don't work if we address only parts of the issue or we focus on changing what is outside of our internal experience. If we are fortunate, our partners and maybe the whole family, will go for counselling or decide to learn a communication technique such as Non-Violent Communication or Bohm Dialogue. Otherwise, we are on our own to face our pain and confusion and find a way back into the fold that is thicker than water and lasts a lifetime. Is this a journey worth taking you might be asking yourself? I have known good friends whose family issues are dangerous or even life threatening, but for most of us they are just unpleasant, trigger our most sensitive buttons and leave us feeling things we would rather resolve, avoid or medicate. What if there was a more compassionate and global approach to how we view our experience with family? (For real life examples, read below) Self-Rated Health methods Research on the Self-Rated Health method (SRH - defined as an individual’s perceived global health state) suggests that it is a valid and powerful predictor of disease indication and of mortality. This 'global health state' is best understood and expressed by the individual and not captured by assessing and testing parts of the body or mind by various health domains (biological, psychological, social, behavioural, spiritual). It is the 'experience' of the individual that is sought, and it is filled out on a questionnaire or shared with a holistic health professional in a session. With insight into an individual’s experience of their own health and their own association to their bodily functions and processes, SRH taps into a global health construct of 'true health' in a way that other methods cannot. SRH shows us, when seen from a transdisciplinary or holistic perspective in regard to health outcomes, that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. With a greater ability to address chronic health conditions, SRH is a complex indicator of global or ‘wholistic’ health and requires a transdisciplinary perspective to decipher it. Transdisciplinary is an approach that harmoniously integrates multiple aspects of an issue to create new emergent forms of knowledge that require global solutions to resolve health problems. The Global or Wholistic approach This is where a holistic practice such as homeopathy can be helpful. The homeopathic treatment process is similar to the non-leading questions and approach of SRH and allows the person to provide the symptoms and their inner experiences. This creates a complex of symptoms on many levels such as physical, emotional, social and non-physical, that can be assessed as a global state. A homeopathic remedy is doing exactly that, especially a core remedy, helping the body to reach a healthier state globally. In my clinical experience I have seen this first hand.
It is challenging work to look at ourselves and take responsibility for our part in the way relationships with our family are experienced. It is something we can do however, and each step we take can positively affect the people around us. Here's to more enjoyable and energizing family dinners this holiday season! ~ How does holistic treatment support healthy living? Why try homeopathy? Having a life long study in the principles of nature and healthy living, Lauren Trimble is happy to share her knowledge and experience. The art of retuning the body’s natural healing capacity & developing consciousness in a compassionate and gentle way is the gift that homeopathy brings to her current holistic practice. If you enjoyed this article find out more at Birdsong.
Lauren TrimbleHomeopath and Holistic Practitioner. Archives
April 2024