Homeopathy can be a wonderful complement to use during surgical procedures. Some of the areas it covers are fear and anxiety prior to surgery, excess bleeding during surgery, reduced scarring and accelerating post-surgical recovery. Strabismus is a condition that interferes with binocular vision because it prevents a person from directing both eyes simultaneously towards the same fixation point and the eyes do not properly align with each other. One way to correct it is by cutting and rearranging the extraocular muscles and then stitching them in place. This was an interesting case since they had had the very same surgery on the left eye a year ago and wished to correct the right eye this time around. After the last surgery the pain was quite severe and the stitches in the eyeball itself caused a pain similar to having sand in the eye. Recovery was about a month with the self dissolving stitches coming out in 2-3 weeks time or longer. They dealt with the pain by taking medications such as Tylenol.
I suggested they take Arnica 200k before the surgery and used the water bottle method to have Arnica on hand after the surgery to take as needed for the pain. The surgery went very well and no adjustments were needed. (The first time 3 adjustments were needed and were very painful.) For the first three days they had no vision in the eye but did not take any Tylenol for the pain which was necessary the last time. The following week was also good without the need for Tylenol. For the month after the surgery there was no need for pain medication and severe pain only returned when they stopped using the Arnica. Once they returned to the bottle of Arnica water, the pain subsided unless they overstrained. One day they had been looking at paperwork all day and felt the eye was much larger, as if swollen five times the size and had a sensation that the bone above, and less so around the eye, was sore. It physically hurt when they touched the bone. I suggested Ruta 30ch and within five minutes this new and unusual sensation was gone and did not return. Arnica was again continued until the stitches dissolved and the pain was no longer an issue. Remedy indications Arnica 200k CHARACTERISTICS: BRUISED, SORE, TRAUMA, INJURY Muscles feel VERY SORE, PAINFUL, BRUISED; all over. Parts become sore, after the pains, or after bleeding. It is a prophylactic for pus formation. Surgical operations. UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS: Sore, bruised feeling. Mechanical injuries. Forgetfulness; absentmindedness. ALL AILMENTS FROM AN INJURY, FALL OR SURGERY. PRE AND POST OPERATIVE [surgery] OVERSTRAIN and TRAUMA: ALL forms, recent and remote. Promotes healing. Bruising to muscle tissues, persistence of ecchymosis, or swelling. Bleeding caused by injury. Injury to blood vessels. Eye injuries, black eye, foreign object in eye, surgery, cuts, wounds. Surgery: pre- and post- operative, esp. after amputation. complications. Ruta 30ch CLINICAL APPLICATIONS: eye strain UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS: Eye strain from fine work; followed by headache. FIRST AID USES: Overstrain of ocular (eye) muscles Overexertion of eyes.
Lauren TrimbleHomeopath and Holistic Practitioner. Archives
April 2024