Usually it is the young that go through the experience of being a student and occasionally it is the mature adult that is returning to school. Regardless of our age, school has its challenges. Whether it is late night cramming before exam time or a deadline, an important BYOB party, working long hours to pay the bills or just the pressure of success, homeopathy can help take the edge off and return your energy and your enthusiasm!
Overwork and burnout Procrastination can be avoided with planning and foresight but sometimes we have to cram, or we are that person who works best pulling all nighters before the big exam day or the day an essay is due. This can drain our energy and cause strain and if we keep doing it, we can start to burn out. Pushing our self, working nights and weekends, homework, studying, classes during the day, for many of us getting through school can be an ongoing slog. Arnica: For the occasional strain and over doing it, arnica can be of great help. A person needing this remedy has pushed their natural limits and usually feels obstinate, headstrong and can refuse to admit that they have pushed themselves. They can have a feeling that they will 'soldier' on and get the work done anyways. There is fatigue and stress from overwork and mental overexertion. Ruta: If it is eyestrain from reading books all night, Ruta Graveolens can help with the overuse of the eye muscles. Coffea: Here there is a need to be industrious, productive and creative, and to do things for the benefit of others in order not to feel isolated. They will sit awake at night, working and creating, doing good things for other people in order to feel accepted. The nerves feel excitable and over sensitive, and there is fatigue along with great nervous agitation, restlessness as well as insomnia. Nux vomica: This is the focused, driven, type A personality. Everything is tightly structured in order to optimize output. They can be competitive, compulsive and easily angered. The drive to succeed and the stress they impose on themselves leads to exhaustion and collapse from overwork. A student’s best remedy when they are sleepless after mental strain and cannot turn off the mind. Silica: Here the feeling is a lack of grit or inner back bone and one feels uncertain about their abilities and doubts all their work and how they are performing. As one loses the strength, firmness and decisiveness needed for action, they yield as soon as problems arise. This mirrors the adolescent stage where we often lack confidence and are incredibly image conscious of how our peers perceive us. Natrum Muriaticum: Less common is a burnout from perfectionism and suppressed feelings. The person is romantic, sentimental, withdrawn as if behind a wall, intellectual and rationalizes emotions. They are often a workaholic. They are afraid of humiliation and ridicule and are always on guard, careful, and seem to be withdrawn into one’s shell. Fear of public speaking What about when we have to be in the spot light? Public speaking is the number one social phobia and the dreaded oral presentation can make most of us weak in the knees. It could also be the first day when we hope to make new friends, or a first date or special interview and we fear we might stammer, not know what to say, or just freeze like a caged hamster. These remedies can help give us the muster to stand up and speak out. Gelsemium: This is all about the stage fright due to fear of embarrassment, anticipation or bad news. The person feels cowardly and timid and would prefer to be quiet and still and has a sense of being paralyzed or frozen. There is a sensation of weakness on all levels – mental, emotional, and physical. Argentum Metallicum: This can help if there is cracking and loss of voice or hoarseness due to over use of voice. One can have fears of speaking or singing before the great performance. There can be anxiety about maintaining the place they have achieved, as a bad performance might bring them down from the successful position they have gained. There can be a loss of control with extremes of weeping or of anger. Arum triphyllum: There can be a hoarseness and a lack of control over the vocal cords. The person tries to raise their voice and it cracks or squeaks. This is known as clergyman's sore throat and is a good remedy for anyone who needs their voice to ring loud and clear such as a teacher, minister or public speaker. The Hangover Party! That is the real reason for going to college no? And yes, you just drank too much, maybe took things you have never tried before, your head is pounding and you now feel like ... terrible ... and have to wake up early to get to class. Duh. There is a great remedy for this. Nux Vomica: We already covered the typical Nux state, one who is tense and tightly wound with a strong need to achieve and perform. This can lead to overindulging, in alcohol, sex, cigarettes, coffee or even work, and this creates an imbalance but this remedy helps achieve equilibrium again. The classic “Hangover remedy” for food or alcohol, or even too many laxatives, par excellence. Pressure to succeed Another common issue of students is when the need to achieve is of such importance that there is unbearable pressure. The elevated expectations can lead to issues such as depression and reaching the end of our rope. Although these remedies may 'take the edge off,' if the situation is getting seriously off balance, seeking outside help is a wise consideration. Aurum: A high drive to achieve, to succeed. This alternates with depression and fleeting thoughts of suicide. On the low side, the patient may feel no connection to life, existing in a dark and isolated void. On the up side they are very intense, idealistic and want to be the best and set very high goals for themselves. This is a good remedy for high level athletes, performers and those who set very high goals and need to be the best in their field. Staphysagria: This state is sensitive, quiet and emotional. There can be an addiction to work and having a problem standing up for themselves. They can feel depressed because of shame, resentment, suppressed emotions and hurt feelings. When under too much pressure there can be fits of rage. They feel a great sense of pride and must control their emotions or they feel they will lose their dignity. Arsenicum album: The obsessive worrier is helped by this remedy. They can worry about their health and be perfectionists, and can feel depressed if they don't reach their own ideals and standards. They feel weak yet restless, and are very demanding of others. They never experience complete satisfaction, something could always be better or more perfect. They have anxiety and insomnia and worry they might be about to die, or that a thief will take away their job, possessions or wealth. Student and caregiver When we are students that also carry the responsibility of looking after someone else while we go through school, the burden on our energy and focus can take a toll. It can be young kids of our own, elderly parents, a loved one who is unwell and requires care, whatever the case, when you have burnt the candle at both ends looking after someone else you can take a remedy before it is you that needs to be taken care of. Sepia: Unable to assert their independence and sense of personal choice they can feel like the caretaker role is stifling, especially concerning their very important sense of creativity. These obligations lead to feelings of resentment, and they can feel drained and lethargic to manage the basics of life such as work and relationships. They can become indifferent to their loved ones and even lovemaking becomes just another chore. They can be impatient, irritable and even nasty. There can also be fears related to insanity or poverty. Cocculus: When taking on the role of caring and looking after people they suppress their own feelings and desires. This shows up as sympathy, anxiety and concern for the health and feelings of others. This is a good remedy for sensitive caregivers such as nurses and parents who lose sleep and peace of mind worrying about and taking care of others. There can also be a feeling like seasickness or nausea when they are in moving vehicles. They wish they could lay down with their eyes closed and avoid insults and rudeness from others. The suggestions in these lists are for self-care and first aid use. Remember to take remedies only as they are needed, and that taking them as seldom as possible is the best approach. Homeopathic remedies are not like chemical medications that you take on an ongoing basis, often a single dose of one remedy will do the trick. Usually a 30ch or lower potency number is best for this kind of self-administered remedy selection. If you find you are taking any remedy more and more often for the same reasons it might be time to consider a consultation with a homeopath to find the deeper causation and get you to a healthier state. Otherwise, remember that homeopathy is a simple, gentle and natural way to address the stresses and concerns of student life. ~ How does holistic treatment support healthy living? Why try homeopathy? Having a life long study in the principles of nature and healthy living, Lauren Trimble is happy to share her knowledge and experience. The art of retuning the body’s natural healing capacity & developing consciousness in a compassionate and gentle way is the gift that homeopathy brings to her current holistic practice. If you enjoyed this article find out more at Birdsong.
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April 2024